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Amazing Farm Animals Dogs Pigs Cows

A dairy farm where cows are raised in a unique way

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2025-03-20 00:24 42,204 Youtube

Farm animal sounds - Cows, goats, sheep, dogs, pigs - Familiar animals

Mornings on the farm are often very lively with the activity of animals. At the beginning of dawn, the crowing of the roosters will become very noisy as they be...

2024-06-22 14:30 8 Dailymotion

Food for animals: Pigs, chickens, cows, cats, dogs,...

Piglets when young will eat mainly the milk of the mother pig. When grown up they are omnivores and voracious eaters. Unlike pigs, chicks hatch from eggs and th...

2024-07-10 09:07 0 Dailymotion

Learn family animals- Ducks, cows, cats, dogs, horses, pigs - Animal sounds

Pelajari hewan keluarga: Bebek, sapi, kucing, anjing, kuda, babi - Suara binatang...

2022-10-29 08:33 1 Dailymotion

Learn family animals: Ducks, cows, cats, dogs, horses, pigs - Animal sounds

Learn family animals: Ducks, cows, cats, dogs, horses, pigs - Animal sounds...

2022-10-17 08:33 0 Dailymotion

Learn family animals: Ducks, cows, cats, dogs, horses, pigs - Animal sounds

Learn family animals: Ducks, cows, cats, dogs, horses, pigs - Animal sounds...

2022-11-02 08:33 4 Dailymotion